There are quite a few benefits to having an assessment:
You might just want to know to understand yourself or someone you love better.
You may want to be able to the supports and services you need or someone you loves needs. Sometimes not having written proof even if you know for sure, can be a barrier to getting services and supports.
You may be considering accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to get financial support for the services you are hoping to use or maybe already paying for.
You may want your child to be able to get help in the classroom with an education assistant.
You may be wondering why life is so hard - everyone else seems to be doing OK.
You may have had your concerns and questions dismissed more than once and now you know and need proof.
You may need some adaptions at school or work like being allowed to wear noise cancelling headphone, or having a movement break.
You may not have been able to work due to your caring role or your autism and/or ADHD and you need evidence to access Centrelink payments.
You want the people who love you to understand you better and be more supportive.
If you're ready for an assessment or have more questions then please reach out to us. We'll be happy to help.